An apparatus for aligning a trailer hitch and receiver includes an elongated channel or tube defining an angle, such that when the trailer is tilted back for hitching, the upper tube is substantially vertically aligned. A rubber tipped rod extends from the lower tube and contacts the vehicle when the vehicle draws near the trailer. As the rod is pushed into the lower tube, a connecting rod drives an actuator or indicating rod upwards. A calibration tube is slid over the upper tube, and is aligned along the upper tube to expose a brightly colored painted region on the indicating rod at the point where the receiver and hitch are aligned one above the other. Alternatively, the calibration tube moves a series of switches up or down, whereby the actuator is pushed by the rod to contact the switches successively to indicate the approach to and arrival at a hitching position, by the illumination of electric lights, and or by activation of an audible signal. The calibration rod may alternatively slide on the lower tube, wherein the contact rod creates or activates electrical connections within the calibration tube. The apparatus may further be incorporated into the trailer frame, before or after manufacturing. One or more of the apparatus may be placed near the rear of the trailer to aid lateral alignment, or to gauge the distance of the trailer to an object behind the trailer, either before or after hitching.