Patent attributes
A pixel is formed in a semiconductor substrate (S) with a plane surface for use in a photodetector. It comprises an active region for converting incident light (In) into charge carriers, photogates (PGL, PGM, PGR) for generating a lateral electric potential (Φ(x)) across the active region, and an integration gate (IG) for storing charge carriers generated in the active region and a dump site (Ddiff). The pixel further comprises separation-enhancing means (SL) for additionally enhancing charge separation in the active region and charge transport from the active region to the integration gate (IG). The separation-enhancing means (SL) are for instance a shield layer designed such that for a given lateral electric potential (Φ(x)), the incident light (In) does not impinge on the section from which the charge carriers would not be transported to the integration gate (IG).