Patent attributes
A system and method for rendering an MIP image that has reduced high frequency component loss and reduced chessboard artifacts. The method includes accessing volumetric data, having random noise. Rays are shot, or cast, through the volumetric data, onto a voxel grid, which has grid points. Sampling data along each ray is performed to obtain selected sample data points on the ray and a distance from a selected point to a nearest grid point is determined. A voxel intensity value is accessed at each selected point, as a function of the position of the selected point relative to the nearest grid point. The difference between the voxel intensity at each selected point is minimized an image is rendered from the volumetric data as a function of the minimizing step. Multiple methods may be used to minimize the difference between the voxel intensity at each selected point. These include for example 1.) applying a localized low pass filter, 2.) applying a localized high order interpolation kernel, and 3.) applying localized distance remapping methods.