Patent attributes
An integrated spectral sensing engine featuring energy sources and detectors within a single package includes sample interfacing optics and acquisition and processing electronics. The miniaturized sensor is optimized for specific laboratory and field-based measurements by integration into a handheld format. Design and fabrication components support high volume manufacturing. Spectral selectivity is provided by either continuous variable optical filters or filter matrix devices. The sensor's response covers the range from 200 nm to 25 μm based on various solid-state detectors. The wavelength range can be extended by the use of filter-matrix devices. Measurement modes include transmittance/absorbance, turbidity (light scattering) and fluorescence (emission). On board data processing includes raw data acquisition, data massaging and the output of computed results. Sensor applications include water and environmental, food and beverage, chemical and petroleum, and medical analyses. These can be expanded into various field and consumer-based applications.