Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
John A. Shepard0
Nirav Y. Shah0
Date of Patent
April 5, 2011
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 28, 2006
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A Managed Add-in Framework (MAF) proxy generation tool comprises a library analyzer module operable for taking as input either a type library or managed software code assembly of the existing host application, and a proxy code generation module. Also, an additional input XML file that describes changes that a user would like to be made may be received by the tool and data acquired form the inspection of the additional input XML file and the inspection of the other inputs is merged and used to create the code of the proxy to the host object model. The proxy to the host's object model conforms to requirements of the MAF.
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