Patent attributes
The present invention relates to a noncontact printing method for applying indicia, such as insignia or stripes, on at least one subsurface layer of a transparent or translucent cover golf ball, e.g. the core, or one or more intermediate layers. The indicia may be visible in ambient light or are only visible when exposed to specific non-ambient light wavelengths, e.g. ultraviolet wavelengths. Advantageously, this method of noncontact printing on subsurface golf ball layers substantially improves the durability of indicia because such indicia are protected from direct abrasion and club impacts by the cover. Moreover, unlike pad printing, noncontact printing forms indicia that are not susceptible to ink degradation because the indicia are solid markings created by very small discrete dots. In one embodiment, both the cover and the intermediate layer(s) may be transparent or translucent and thusly decorated to achieve previously unattainable image depth effects.