Patent attributes
A slider needle (1) having a partition element (15) clipped through an insertion slit (19) in the needle base body (2). The partition element (15) is shaped such that it can be easily inserted in the needle base body 2, but is still securely held, optionally with some play, as a result of positive engagement. The partition element comprises, preferably as a one-piece component, a spring part (25) and a foot extension (26) interacting with the bottom (17) of the slider slit. Preferably, the foot extension 26 has two sections (27, 28, 27a, 28a) that are bent in opposite directions, either in a transverse or a longitudinal direction of the otherwise flat partition element (15). In the region of the insertion slit (19), the back (18) of the needle base body (2) has an indentation (24) so that the bent over sections (27, 28, 27a, 28a) cannot project beyond the needle back (18).