Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Robert C. Farnan0
Dirk Voland Hoyns0
Anand Ram0
Date of Patent
April 26, 2011
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 1, 2005
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
An angioplasty balloon including a non-deployable stent to prevent or reduce the potential for slippage of the inflated balloon with respect to the vessel wall being treated. The balloon includes a non-deployable stent that is adapted to be secured to the balloon or angioplasty balloon catheter. The stent has a proximal end, a distal end, and at least one extension section, at least one set of serpentine rings and at least one set of elongation links that allow expansion of the strut to accommodate the inflation of the balloon. The stent is made of a material so that the stent collapses upon deflation of the balloon.
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