Patent attributes
A pressure sensing apparatus has a light source for transmitting pulses of light along a monomode optical fiber. The polarization of light backscattered from the light pulses in the optical fiber is detected by a polarization processing unit (PPU) and a photo detector. The optical fiber is adapted to deform asymmetrically under the influence of applied external isotropic pressure, e.g. from a fluid. The deformation causes the birefringence of the optical fiber to change proportionally to the applied pressure. The change in birefringence can be determined from the detected polarization of the backscattered light, allowing detection of pressure distribution in the fluid. Importantly, the construction of the optical fiber is such that the birefringence beat length of the optical fiber at the wavelength of light propagated by the fiber remains more than twice the spatial length of the light pulses transmitted along the optical fiber. Applications of the invention include detection of fluid flow; location of an interface between two fluids of different density; and tsunami detection.