An Internet-capable radio has a communication port for connection to a modem, a connection function for connecting to the Internet upon user initiation while connected to the modem, sound circuitry for rendering audio data packets received over the Internet as analog audio output, and for delivering the audio output to one or more speaker ports, two or more stored hyperlinks addressing Internet broadcast servers; and a user input adapted to enable a user to select among the stored hyperlinks. Selection of one of the stored hyperlinks by the user input invokes the hyperlink and connects the radio to the server addressed by the hyperlink, initiating thereby an audio data stream as data packets from the broadcast server to the radio, and wherein the radio renders the data stream as analog audio data delivered to the one or more speaker ports. The user input in preferred embodiments has a plurality of pushbuttons associated with hyperlinks, which can be asserted by activating a pushbutton. In some embodiments a directory server is used for editing user profiles and programming connected Internet-capable radios.