Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Steven E. Lucco0
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer0
John Shewchuk0
Luis Felipe Cabrera0
Bradford H. Lovering0
Christopher G. Kaler0
Craig A Critchley0
David E. Langworthy0
Date of Patent
May 24, 2011
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 15, 2004
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Systems and methods for open content model Web service messaging in a networked computing environment are described. In one aspect, a transport neutral message is generated that includes message recipient, endpoint addressing information, and one or more reference properties. The reference properties include selectively opaque message context. The transport neutral message is bound to a transport protocol for communication to the message recipient. At least a portion of the selectively opaque message context is not directed to the message recipient.
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