Patent attributes
A dual-band resonator with compact size, such as a resonant type dual-band antenna, which uses an anisotropic metamaterial is described. The artificial anisotropic medium is implemented by employing a composite right/left-handed transmission line. The dispersion relation and the antenna physical size only depend on the composition of the unit cell and the number of cells used. By engineering the characteristics of the unit cells to be different in two orthogonal directions, the corresponding propagation constants can be controlled, thus enabling dual-band antenna resonances. In addition, the antenna dimensions can be markedly minimized by maximally reducing the unit cell size. A dual-band antenna is also described which is designed for operation at frequencies for PCS/Bluetooth applications, and which has a physical size of 1/18λ0× 1/18λ0× 1/19λ0, where λ0 is the free space wavelength at 2.37 GHz.