Patent attributes
The present invention is directed to the enhanced production of ethanol from fermentation using an ethanol producing microorganism. In particular, the present invention provides a process for the enhanced growth and metabolism of an ethanol producing microorganism (e.g., yeast), for the purpose of increasing or enhancing ethanol production, both in terms of total ethanol produced and in terms of the time required for ethanol producing microorganisms to convert carbohydrates and/or sugars to end products (i.e., ethanol). In accordance with this invention bicarbonate ions are used to enhance ethanol fermentation and/or reduce the time required for ethanol producing microorganisms to convert carbohydrates and/or sugars to end products, i.e., ethanol. The present invention can also be used for enhancing fermentation end products in, for example, the fuel ethanol, industrial, cheese, brewing, and wine making industries.