Methods of providing a menu display 1 for a GUI 31 are disclosed together with a computer program, a computer-readable storage medium 34 and apparatus 31 for the same. Methods include the steps of displaying a menu 1 in the form of a group of icons 3, 20, 21 wherein each icon corresponds to a menu option and is selectable by a user, and displaying an icon selector graphic 4 adapted to identify the icon 20 corresponding to a menu option currently selected by a user. A textual label 19 or a submenu 6-11 corresponding to the currently selected menu option/icon 20 may be displayed. Also, the group of icons and the icon selector graphic may be rotatable relative to each other and where the icon selector graphic is stationary and the group of icons rotatable, the center of rotation of the group of icons may be located outside the periphery of a display. Further disclosed is a rotatable menu window 5.