Patent attributes
A device for projecting liquid as jets or droplets from multiple nozzles, the device comprising:a plurality of transducers oriented substantially parallel to one another and each having an inner face and an outer face opposite said inner face, the transducers being arranged in a substantially planar array;a plurality of nozzles to project liquid therefrom;liquid supply means for supplying a liquid to the nozzles;each nozzle is associated with an adjacent respective transducer which is excitable to cause movement of the adjacent associated nozzle in a direction substantially aligned with the nozzle axis, to project liquid therefrom;the liquid supply means supplies liquid to an inner end of said nozzle;means for selectively exciting transducers as required, thereby to project liquid as jets or droplets from the respective outer face by movement of the liquid through the nozzle in response to the movement of the nozzle;wherein one or more pressure absorbing regions are disposed at a predetermined distance from said nozzles, in a direction perpendicular to the substantially planar array of transducers.