Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Wolfgang Hummel0
Olaf Conradi0
Payam Tayebati0
Sascha Bleidistel0
Arif Kazi0
Baerbel Schwaer0
Boris Bittner0
Hubert Holderer0
Date of Patent
August 2, 2011
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
October 1, 2010
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A projection objective of a microlithographic projection exposure apparatus comprises a manipulator for reducing rotationally asymmetric image errors. The manipulator in turn contains a lens, an optical element and an interspace formed between the lens and the optical element, which can be filled with a liquid. At least one actuator acting exclusively on the lens is furthermore provided, which can generate a rotationally asymmetric deformation of the lens.
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