Patent attributes
A method. A first copolymer is provided. A substrate is provided having an energetically neutral surface layer with at least one trough integrally disposed thereon with sidewalls. A first film of the first copolymer is coated inside the trough. Line-forming microdomains are assembled of the first copolymer forming first self-assembled structures within the first film normal to the sidewalls and parallel to the surface layer. The first and second polymer blocks are removed from the first film and oriented structures remain in the trough normal to the sidewalls and parallel to the surface layer. A second film of a second copolymer is coated inside the trough. Line-forming microdomains are assembled of the second copolymer, and form second self-assembled structures within the second film oriented normal to the oriented structures and parallel to the sidewalls. The third and fourth polymer blocks are removed, and at least one second oriented structure remains.