Patent attributes
According to an embodiment of the invention a method of manufacturing optical fiber cane comprises the steps of: (i) providing a core rod manufactured of relatively low viscosity glass; (ii) depositing SiO2 based soot around the core rod to form a soot preform, the soot being of relatively high viscosity material such that the softening point of the low viscosity glass is at least 200° C. lower than the viscosity of the high viscosity outer core region; and (iii) consolidating the soot of the soot preform by exposure to hot zone at temperatures of 1000° C.-1600° C. The soot is consolidated by heating the outer portion of the soot preform at a relatively fast heating rate, the heating rate being sufficient to densify the soot, so as to render the densified material with enough rigidity to confine the heated core rod and to prevent the heated core rod from puddling.