Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Salvador D. Duran0
Allen C. Rasor, Jr.0
David H. Kronengold0
Kevin Hansen0
Date of Patent
September 13, 2011
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
August 25, 2009
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
An archery projectile insert is provided with a rigid hollow tube having a collar at one end and an internally threaded bushing at an opposite end wherein the collar and bushing are cemented within the rigid tube; and wherein the three piece insert, formed into a unitary structure, is inserted into the hollow end of an archery shaft and cemented in place. A projectile tip having a shank and a threaded extension threadedly engages the internally threaded bushing to secure the tip in place to the projectile shaft.
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