Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Egide Emmanuel Paul Baudry Moreau0
Jan Cappuyns0
Ming Ouyang0
Robert M. Rogers0
Daniel E. Adamek0
Date of Patent
September 20, 2011
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 21, 2008
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A filter element having multiple formed layers of filtration media is disclosed. The media are layered so as to form a pore size gradient. The filter element is capable of removing both solid and liquid particulates from a moving fluid stream. The filter element has high strength and compressibility. The layers can be supported on a porous or perforate support to provide mechanical stability during filtering operations. The filtration media layers can be formed into various filter element forms such as panels, cartridges, inserts, and the like.
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