Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Alessandro Caleo0
Paolo Capozzella0
Luca Carmignani0
Federico Martini0
Date of Patent
November 1, 2011
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 10, 2008
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Herein described is a hybrid propulsion and transmission system for a motorcycle of the type comprising at least an internal combustion engine (10) and at least one driving wheel (22). The system comprises a first electric machine (14), provided with first mechanical connection means (12) to the internal combustion engine (10), and a second electric machine (18), coupled with first electric machine (14) through electric and/or electronic connection means (16) and/or through second mechanical connection means (20), and coupled with the driving wheel (22) through second mechanical connection means (20).
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