Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Guy John Hogan0
Date of Patent
November 29, 2011
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
April 7, 2009
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
An attachable wing for an aircraft is disclosed. The attachable wing is configured to mount to the underside of the fuselage of an aircraft, such as a rotary wing aircraft (e.g., a helicopter) or a fixed wing aircraft. The attachable wing produces additional lift, which results in an increase in speed, and consequently, an increase in fuel efficiency and payload capacity. In some embodiments, the attachable wing is retractable to facilitate takeoffs and landings. Additionally, the apparatus may be made of a bulletproof or anti-ballistic material to protect the aircraft from incoming fire or crash damage. The airfoil apparatus provides additional lift, allowing for greater fuel efficiency and range of the aircraft on which it is installed.
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