An ice flap device (10) for a refrigerator comprises a flap unit (14) movable between an open position and a closed position, which unit releases a dispenser aperture for dispensing ice in its open position and blocks the dispenser aperture against dispensing ice in its closed position, as well as a motorized drive mechanism for driving the flap unit (14) between its open and closed position. According to the invention the drive mechanism comprises an a.c. motor (12) as well as a first electrical switch (26), which lies in the supply circuit of the a.c. motor and switches depending on the introduction of a receptacle into an ice dispenser compartment of the refrigerator, and by means of which the a.c. motor (12) can be turned on when the receptacle is introduced into the ice dispenser compartment for a movement of the flap unit (14) from the closed position in the direction of the open position.