A penetrator can substantially affect the fragmentation properties of a projectile. As a rule, the penetrator is enclosed by an envelope which combines the projectile core and penetrator in one unit. On hitting the target, a fragmentation of the projectile envelope must first occur which needs energy, influencing the further fragmentation of the projectile and the exit from the target. The invention thus relates to a hard-core projectile (1), with the penetrator (3) provided in a cylindrical drilling (4), in the projectile core (2), running centrally on the projectile axis (5), the length of the penetrator (3) extending over the middle (8) of the projectile, the core (2) enclosing the penetrator (3) in the ogival region (6) to the open tip (16) and the cylindrical part (7) of the core (2), serving as guide in operation, is enclosed by an envelope (9).