Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Gerald D. Lynde0
Yang Xu0
Date of Patent
February 7, 2012
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
April 14, 2009
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A wellbore cleanup tool is run on slickline. It has an onboard power supply and circulation pump. Inlet flow is at the lower end into an inlet pipe that keeps up fluid velocity. The inlet pipe opens to a surrounding annular volume for sand containment and the fluid continues through a screen and into the pump for eventual exhaust back into the water in the wellbore. A modular structure is envisioned to add debris carrying capacity. Various ways to energize the device are possible. Other tools run on slickline are described such as a cutter, a scraper and a shifting tool.
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