A collapsible platform assembly for an extension ladder is disclosed that can be used to support the top of an extension ladder with respect to a roof. The collapsible platform assembly includes a platform that is rotatably connected to a rung of an extension ladder near the top. In a storage or retracted position, the platform is generally co-planar with the ladder; i.e fits between the side rails of the extension ladder. In a use position, the platform can be extended and directly supported by the roof, either flat against a roof or alternatively at an acute angle relative to the roof. Since the platform is configured to be directly supported by the roof, the platform acts as a rigid support for the top of the ladder which does not deflect under load as there is an even weight transfer from the ladder to the platform in use. In accordance with an important aspect of the invention, an upper portion of the side rails act as “grab rails” when the platform is in an extended position, allowing the user to hold on and walk through the top of the ladder and onto the platform when the collapsible platform assembly is in an extended position. In one embodiment of the invention, one or more retractable hand rails are provided for added safety for use when the user moves onto the platform.