Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Michael Burrows0
Parham Mohadjer0
Andrew Goossen0
David Aronson0
Jason Matthew Gould0
John Howard Palevich0
Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza0
Karen Elaine Stevens0
Date of Patent
July 10, 2012
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
October 26, 2007
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method for analyzing the performance of a video game uses a diagnostic tool that is associated with application code of the video game. The diagnostic tool is activated when the video game is in operation, and real-time performance data is captured and displayed. A warning is generated when a performance metric violates a pre-set condition. The warning may be displayed on a display screen that is used to provide information for rectifying the violation.
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