Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
David E. Francischelli0
James R. Skarda0
Mark T. Stewart0
James B. Hissong0
James R. Keogh0
Date of Patent
July 17, 2012
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 9, 2005
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A device and method for ablating tissue is disclosed comprising the steps of acquiring an anatomical image of a patient, correlating the image to the patient, guiding an ablating member within the patient while tracking the position of the ablating member in the patient, positioning the ablating member in a desired position to ablate tissue, emitting ablating energy from the ablating member to form an ablated tissue area and removing the ablating member from the patient.
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