Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Date of Patent
August 21, 2012
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 13, 2004
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method (100) of automatically editing audio and visual recordings to produce an audio-visual production using computer processing means. The method (100) involves a first step (101) of setting production criteria in which the desired production duration, target device, maximum execution time and location of media files are specified. In a second step (102) a style is selected for applying to the media files. A third step (103) of selecting ones of the media files involves selecting those media files in folders which have been accessed most recently by a user, based on awarding a score to folders. In a fourth step (104), the selected style is applied. This is followed in a fifth step (105) by rendering the production to the target device.
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