Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Carson L. Linker0
Date of Patent
January 15, 2013
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 7, 2008
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A stun gun dart acquiring, removing and housing device and method of using this device to remove a dart. The device provides a container, such as a tube, and a slider supported at least partially inside the container and is adapted to grasp a stun gun dart. The user places the slider over the dart, thereby engaging the dart into the distal end of slider and then moves the device away from subject, removing the dart. Then, the user moves the slider rearward into the container to store the dart in a safe location. The dart once locked in place inside the container can now be handled and viewed without concern of inadvertent contamination.
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