In a method, ventilator and ventilator control unit for determining an end-expertorial lung volume (EELV) for a mechanically ventilated patient, a breathing gas is provided to the patient that has a first fixed N2/O2 gas composition, at least until the N2/O2 gas composition in air expired from the patient is constant. At least once, at a first predetermined point in time, the N2/O2 gas composition in the breathing gas is changed to a second fixed composition. The change in the N2/O2 gas composition exhaled by the patient for each breath is measured until a second point in time at which the level of expired O2 in at least two subsequent breadths is substantially stable. The measurement is made downstream of the expiratory tube of the ventilator. The total gas volume is determined for each breath, and the EELV of the patient's lungs is determined based on the change in O2 level between the first and second points in time.