Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Thomas Wenchell0
Keith L. Milliman0
Philip C. Roy0
Date of Patent
March 26, 2013
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 25, 2012
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method for performing a surgical procedure is disclosed which uses an anvil delivery system including an anvil assembly, a flexible tube having a first end portion and a second end portion, and a fitting to deliver the anvil assembly to a desired site. The method includes the steps of cutting a second end portion of the flexible tube, attaching a fitting to the second end portion of the flexible tube which has been cut, inserting the insertion tip into tissue, advancing the insertion tip along with the flexible tube and anvil assembly to the desired site within a patient's body, and removing the flexible tube from the anvil assembly and from the desired site leaving the anvil assembly in a patient's body at the desired site.
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