Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Shengsheng Liu0
William R. Sweeney0
Feng Gao0
Munmaya K. Mishra0
Date of Patent
June 25, 2013
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 6, 2009
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A pre-portioned moist product comprising a portion of plant material and a coating is disclosed. Preferably, the plant material comprises tobacco. The coating includes a soluble, non-cross-linkable component and an cross-linkable component which becomes substantially water-insoluble upon crosslinking. The soluble component of the coating dissolves upon placement in the mouth, while the insoluble component disintegrates and/or loses structural integrity once the soluble component has dissolved to release and disperse the plant material in the user's mouth.
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