Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Larry Potterfield0
Dennis Cauley0
Robert Joseph Zara0
Russell A. Potterfield0
Tim Morrow0
Date of Patent
January 7, 2014
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
May 10, 2006
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
One aspect of the invention is directed to shooting rests for supporting a firearm having a first portion and a second portion rearward of the first portion. In one embodiment, a shooting rest includes a frame, a front support for supporting the first portion of the firearm, a support member for carrying one or more weights, and a stop for inhibiting rearward movement of the firearm relative to the shooting rest. The front support is coupled to the frame, and the support member is positioned at least proximate to the frame. The stop includes a flexible portion and is also coupled to the frame.
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