On a fuel supply system for a gas-turbine engine with a high-pressure supply line and a fuel metering unit, the fuel distribution system connected to staged or non-staged burners includes only one single fuel line (3) and the valve arrangements (7) connected to this fuel line and directly associated to individual burners (4), with the valve arrangements (7) each having several cutoff valves (8 to 10), which are—independently of each other—individually or simultaneously electrically settable to a closed or open limit position, with the cutoff valves each featuring a specific, yet different cross-sectional area. The simply designed, low-wear and low-maintenance fuel supply and distribution system, avoids coking in the one fuel line in the hot engine section, and enables a binary-coded fuel supply to the respective burner. With a sufficient number of valves in each arrangement, the fuel metering unit can be omitted.