A hand-held flinging device includes a launcher that engages the projectile and improves control of the launcher and projectile, during a throwing/flinging motion, until centrifugal force causes disengagement of the projectile from the launcher. The engagement system involves the rearward portions of a launcher shaft and the projectile bore, so that, upon disengagement, frictional engagement and interference of the engagement system with the projectile is prevented or limited as the projectile moves forward to fly off the launcher. The engagement system may include a member that snaps into engagement with a hole or recess to hold the projectile on the launcher even through the wind-up portion of the throw that may include the launcher distal end being pointed downward. The preferred projectile covers the entire or nearly the entire launcher shaft distal of the hand grip and is heavier toward its front end. Even though the launcher does not have a shaft or “stick” that is long relative to the projectile length, the flinging device gives enough mechanical advantage that a projectile that is large and heavy compared to conventional foam darts can be flung a long distance with accuracy and consistency.