Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Varun Mithal0
Vipin Kumar0
Ankush Khandelwal0
Karsten Steinhaeuser0
Shyam Boriah0
Date of Patent
February 17, 2015
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 15, 2013
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A system has an aerial image database containing sensor data representing a plurality of aerial images of an area having multiple sub-areas. A processor applies a classifier to the sensor values to identify a label for each sub-area in each aerial image and to thereby generate an initial label sequence for each sub-area. The processor identifies a most likely land cover state for each sub-area based on the initial label sequence, a confusion matrix and a transition matrix. For each sub-area, the processor stores the most likely land cover state sequence for the sub-area.
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