Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Robert Karnbach0
Harshavardhan M. Karandikar0
Patrick Fischer-Carne0
Radim Dolezal0
Rahul Pawar0
Date of Patent
February 24, 2015
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 25, 2012
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A multipoint door latch apparatus for use in a switchgear enclosure comprising a door assembly, a latch handle and latch handle mechanism, a plurality of catch tabs affixed to the face frame of the enclosure. Top, side, and bottom latch bars in latch bar chambers are provided, each having at least one latch tooth and being linked by latch bar linkages such that a displacement of one latch bar along results in the same magnitude displacement in the other two latch bars. The catch tabs or latch teeth, or both, are tapered to provide a suitable seal between the door assembly and the enclosure when the door assembly is latched.
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