A method utilizes reduced operational time and motion paths with consequently reduced manufacturing, operational, and maintenance costs relative to roller coasters, motion simulators, and other similar thrills rides currently in use. This method is accomplished by an Aggressive Linear Acceleration System (A.L.A.S.) maneuver, which is defined as 1) moving a passenger vehicle (107) at a constant angular speed (A) about one central axis of rotation (105), 2) moving passenger vehicle (107) at constant angular speed (A) about central axis of rotation (105), and away from central axis of rotation (105) at an increasing speed by a negative driven acceleration C, and 3) moving passenger vehicle (107) at constant angular speed (A) about central axis of rotation (105), and away from central axis of rotation (105) at a decreasing speed by a positive driven acceleration E. Consequently, the A.L.A.S. maneuver removes current limitations of amusement and thrill rides allowing for incorporations of simulation and motion technologies that presently are not viable.