Patent attributes
A system and methods are provided for synchronizing multiple lists of content channels that a user of a multi-channel content service subscribes to or follows, such as lists maintained at different places and/or on different devices. If a list on one of the user's devices has been modified, the device (e.g., a multi-channel content applet) informs a synchronization server by uploading the list. The server synchronizes it with a master list and downloads a copy to the device. A channels list includes an entry for each channel the user follows (and possibly channels he has deleted), which includes an index or ordinal position of the channel among all the member's channels, an identifier of the channel (e.g., a URN), identifiers of sub-lists the channel has been assigned to, and a timestamp identifying the last time the entry changed (e.g., when the channel was added, removed, assigned to a sub-list).