Patent attributes
This disclosure describes a Wearable Magnetic Stimulator to treat a variety of disorders. The device comprises a wearable stimulator head and a wearable stimulator controller. The patient wears the stimulator head over skin close to the target nerves and carries the wearable controller in his clothing. The wearable head comprises a small gapped cut-core energized by coil windings. The head operates on the principle that its small gap injects fringe flux into target nerves, which induces ionic currents that cure disorders. Small gapped cores require significantly smaller current than large gapped cores. This greatly reduces the size and weight of the head and controller. The wearable controller, such as a cell phone, comprises pulse generator hardware and software from internet. The wearable stimulator can be used to treat several disorders such as migraine headache, arthritis, incontinence, depression, erectile dysfunction etc.