The present invention relates to a conversion set for a pipe bundle heat exchanger having a cylindrical housing. Using said conversion set, existing tube bundle heat exchangers can be changed over such that the efficiency and thus the heat transfer thereof is improved, large exchange surface areas are provided, and energy costs are reduced. The conversion set can also be used in high-pressure applications for pressures above 300 bar. According to the invention, the conversion set has at least one plate heat exchanger unit for replacing the tube bundle unit, comprising at least the following components: a plate packet having at least two heat exchanger plates, each comprising at least one through hole and welded to each other in pairs along the periphery thereof or along the periphery of the through holes, two mounting plates each having at least one through hole, wherein one each of the mounting plates is arranged at each end of the plate packet and is connected to each outermost heat exchanger plate of the plate packet, and at least one tension means extending in the longitudinal axis between the mounting plates and connected to both mounting plates, so that the two mounting plates and the tension means form a cage about the plate packet, said cage absorbing the forces arising in the plate packet in the operating state of the plate heat exchanger unit, wherein the outer diameter of the plate heat exchanger unit is adapted to the inner diameter of the cylindrical housing of the tube bundle heat exchanger, and the tension means is designed as a flow director extending at least partially around the periphery of the plate packet.