A baby harness is designed to concentrate the infant's weight on the waist and hips rather than on the neck and shoulder area, which is typical of conventional baby harnesses. This design enables the parent to remain active in terms of being hands-free and allowing bending from the waist. The harness secures the baby to the parent's lower back/waist/buttocks area by two cooperating tapered belt components which are extensions of the harness itself. The seat component of the harness comprises a concave enclosure providing bottom, back and head support. The seat component has bilateral extensions containing four openings through which the infant's arms and legs project, thereby securing both the upper and lower body of the child while also allowing free movement of the baby's limbs. The bilateral extensions taper toward the front of the harness and transition into the two cooperating belt components that connect around the parent's waist, so that the belt also contributes to stabilizing the infant's body weight distribution.