Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Date of Patent
December 15, 2015
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
September 5, 2013
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
An electronic bidet system that uses one or more internal cameras to capture one or more images or video of a user as he or she sits on the bidet prior to use. The images or video are analyzed using object recognition technology to identify and segment/bound the types, sizes, shapes, and positions of the lower body orifices, and conditions (e.g. hemorrhoids), in the user's genital and rectal areas. Based on these analyzed images or video, the system automatically adjusts the bidet settings for the specific conditions (e.g. hemorrhoids) and types of orifices, locations of orifices, sizes of orifices, shapes of orifices, gender, body type, and weight of the user.
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