Patent attributes
A method includes comparing a user-specified context having natural language contextual antecedents to cases stored in a case base. Each stored case includes case antecedents and case consequents. A matching case exists and is selected if the case antecedents exactly match the contextual antecedents. If no match exists, a best-matching case is determined and selected. The best-matching case may be determined by generalizing the situational part of a rule and comparing the user-specified context to the stored (generalized) cases. The best-matching case is the case having the highest ratio of matching generalized case antecedents to contextual antecedents and having a matching error ratio that does not exceed an error ratio threshold. The case consequents of the selected matching case or best matching case are then displayed to a user, with case base adjustment performed based upon feedback provided by the user in response to the displayed case consequents.