A fire kindler (8) comprised of a comfortably portable geometrically shaped quartered plate of combustible material having a variable plurality of horizontal apertures therethrough which extract additional evolving gases into immediate combustion for extra heat and which operates in an elevated vertical position between two parallel logs so to present a common lower crest (18A) which bifurcates into a symmetric divergent communal acclivity of surfaces (10), (12), and (14A) which rise into opposite common divergent convergent junctions (16) whereby symmetric surfaces (14B) rise convergently to terminate at vertical height in a common upper crest (18B) so that fire kindler (8) is easy to ignite and will convergently and prominently direct combustion into a hotter and steadier solitary flame whereby potential heat is aimed at a localized area of any intended fuel placed above it. Thus, developing a hot spot on the firewood which increases entropy and rate of ignition.