Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Sean Hugh Breheny0
Andrew Stubbs0
Matthew David Verminski0
Patrick Ryan Dingle0
Peter K. Mansfield0
Peter R. Wurman0
Date of Patent
June 21, 2016
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
September 25, 2013
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Some examples include charging an onboard power source of a mobile drive unit (MDU) of an inventory system while the MDU is operating in the inventory system, rather than removing the MDU from service for recharging. As an example, the MDU may receive instructions to retrieve an inventory holder, and an onboard power source of the MDU may be charged while the MDU and the inventory holder are located at the charging station.
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