Patent attributes
Encased coil units with advance conforming properties have various interconnections and structures between individually encased or wrapped coils. In the various embodiments, encasement structures between coils such as closure or attachment of sheet material or fabric, which encase the coils, are configured to allow and enhance independent movement of coils with respect to adjacent coils and remote coils of the unit. Modifications in the sheet material or fabric which encases the coils include variations in the points of connection or disconnection between adjacent coils, such as slits in the material proximate to top ends of the coils in a continuous string, or the absence of welds or glue points between adjacent encasements or strings of encasements, proximate to top ends of the coils to allow more freedom of movement of the top or upper ends of the coils and with respect to adjacent coils, and to reduce load transfer or cratering of the coil springs about the locus of the force vector.