Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Jason Carl Lisseman0
Valerie D Gardner0
David Ryan Varcoe0
Date of Patent
January 23, 2018
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
July 22, 2015
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Various implementations include a light bar system for a steering wheel of a vehicle that includes a high intensity light source, a light diffusing layer, and an outer lens. For example, in certain implementations, the light diffusing layer is disposed between a plurality of high intensity light emitting diodes (LEDs) and an outer lens, and the light diffusing layer causes the light from the LEDs to appear as a continuous stream of light across a length of the lens and provides sufficiently bright lighting to warn or communicate with the driver in various ambient lighting conditions. In certain implementations, the outer lens is colored to blend in with the rest of the steering wheel when the LEDs are not activated.
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