Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Hiroyuki Ohkawa0
Suguru Murayama0
Tetsuya Nakashima0
Yusuke Kobayashi0
Kazutaka Ono0
Shigeki Sawamura0
Shusaku Akiba0
Date of Patent
February 20, 2018
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 9, 2017
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
To provide chemically tempered glass which is less likely to break even if scratched. Chemically tempered glass, which comprises, as represented by mole percentage based on the following oxides, from 56 to 72% of SiO2, from 8 to 20% of Al2O3, from 9 to 25% of Na2O, from 0 to 2% of K2O, and from 0 to 15% of MgO, and which has a surface compressive stress of at least 900 MPa and an internal tensile stress of at most 30 MPa. Glass for chemical tempering, which comprises, as represented by mole percentage based on the following oxides, from 56 to 69% of SiO2, from 8 to 16% of Al2O3, from 9 to 22% of Na2O, from 0 to 1% of K2O, from 5.5 to 14% of MgO, from 0 to 2% of ZrO2, and from 0 to 6% of B2O3.
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